Shorinji Kempo is a martial arts training practice designed to develop individuals who are mentally and physically strong. It was developed by Doshin So in 1947. It is practised today in 39 countries worldwide and on every continent of the globe.

The techniques of Shorinji Kempo are arranged into a unique system that Doshin So developed through his knowledge of Shaolin Kung Fu and Jujitsu. His techniques were tested to the full on the tough streets of post second World War Japan and provide a very logical way to learn.
Shorinji Kempo can be practised by anyone of any age, gender or size. The techniques exploit the use of balance and specific pressure points (vital points) of the body. This means that strength is not required to perform any of the techniques.
Three Systems
In Shorinji Kempo techniques are classified into three systems.
- Goho – the “hard” form of Shorinji Kempo which involves punches and kicks, leg sweeps, hammer strikes and more.
- Juho – the “soft” form of Shorinji Kempo which involves escapes, throws, pins, chokes and pressure point techniques.
- Seiho – the healing of Shorinji Kempo which involves balancing of meridians, bone alignment and resuscitations.
Whilst Goho and Juho techniques are classified separately they are used in combination by more advanced practitioners to create a fighting style that combines hard and soft into one (Go Ju Ittai).
It’s not about the fighting
Whilst the techniques of Shorinji Kempo are very effective fighting tools the practice of Shorinji Kempo is not designed to develop fighters. The training is designed to develop a complete individual. One who is able to defend themselves and others but who also has the moral sense of character to know that violence is rarely the answer to problems.
To help us achieve this, in addition to the study of physical techniques we practice seated meditation (zazen) in order to develop a still, calm mind.
As Doshin So himself said “the person, the person, the person, everything depends on the quality of the person.” His vision was to fill the world with enough people of true strength that the conflicts he lived through could be avoided in the future.
The United Kingdom Shorinji Kempo Federation works as a branch of the World Shorinji Kempo Organisation to strive towards this vision.