Covid-19 Virus Training Suspension.

//Covid-19 Virus Training Suspension.

Covid-19 Virus Training Suspension.

Please see below text of official announcement of suspension of training for all UK branches from UKSKF President Sensei Steve Williams:


In light of the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) situation in the U.K. and throughout the world, the U.K. Shorinji Kempo Federation will suspend all training in U.K. branches effective immediately.
We will review the situation at the end of March, but it is likely that the situation will continue beyond this time and we will keep everyone informed and will return to training when the situation improves.

Of course we would prefer to continue but we should be aware of the potential seriousness of this virus to some of the more vulnerable members of society, for the safety of our kenshi, their families and friends, and of the wider society, this is the only way forward at the present time.

We hope that all kenshi will continue to train themselves, to study our philosophy, and to help all those more vulnerable people in our local communities where we can.

If anyone has any concerns or symptoms then please check the health services in your area, check the World Health Organisation website, also take any advice given by medical professionals regarding social interactions.

Best wishes to all of our kenshi, their families and friends, and the communities we live and work in.


Steve Williams
U.K. Shorinji Kempo Federation

By | 2020-03-19T22:06:30+00:00 March 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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