UK Shorinji Kempo Summer Camp 2018

/, Seminars/UK Shorinji Kempo Summer Camp 2018

UK Shorinji Kempo Summer Camp 2018

Hopefully, by now, anyone who is aiming to come to the UK Shorinji Kempo Summer Camp 2018 has already registered their attendance.

If you haven’t yet done so you will find information on how to register on the Bournemouth Shorinji Kempo Club website at

We have lots of great instructors coming this year as follows:

  • Masakazu Toyama Sensei, 7th Dan, WSKO Instructor, Japan Federation.
  • Nori Tsunoda Sensei, 6th Dan, Japan Federation/UK Federation.
  • Anders Pettersson Sensei, 6th Dan, Swedish Federation
  • Peter Moore Sensei, 6th Dan, UK Federation
  • Steve Williams Sensei, 5th Dan, UK Federation

They will be assisted by other UK federation instructors and branch masters.

Seminar Schedule & Venues: 

Friday Evening;
An informal session for any Kenshi traveling to Bournemouth on Friday, this is the normal Bournemouth Branch Friday evening training from 7pm to 9pm. Following training, everyone is welcome for a drink and pizza at the Village Hotel shown below.

Littledown Sports Centre, Courts 2 & 3 in Main Hall

Friday Evening Drinks and Pizza
Village Hotel
Deansleigh Road

9am. Registration and Samu (Bournemouth branch)
9:30am. Introduction, Chinkon, Warm-up (Steve Sensei)
10am. Kihon, including ido-zuki, single/pair form (Anders Sensei)
11am. Randori (Toyama Sensei)
12noon. Technical training (all instructors, split into grades)
1pm. Lunch (Bournemouth branch)
2pm. Howa (Peter Sensei)
2:30pm. Warm up, (Steve Sensei)
2:45pm. General training, Sensei’s choice (Nori Sensei)
2:45pm. Special training 3dan and above, appou (Toyama Sensei)
3:30pm. Technical training (all instructors, split into grades)
4:30pm. Seiho (Peter Sensei)
5pm. End of training
7pm. Party

Saturday & Sunday Training
2Riversmeet Leisure Centre
BH23 1HW

Saturday Party
Bowling Green Pavilion, opposite the Kings Arms Hotel
18 Castle Street
BH23 1DT

7pm to 11pm, dress smart casual

9am. Registration and Samu (Bournemouth branch)
9:30am. Chinkon, warm-up (Steve Sensei)
10am. Kihon, including ido-zuki, single/pair form (Nori Sensei)
11am. Embu training (Toyama Sensei)
12noon. Technical training (all instructors, split into grades)
1pm. Lunch (Bournemouth branch)
2pm. Howa (Anders Sensei)
2:30pm. General training, Sensei’s choice (Anders Sensei)
2:30pm. Special training 3dan and above, go-ju ittai [uwauke nage, hangetsu kubi nage, etc….](Toyama Sensei)
3:15pm. Technical training, Q&A session (all instructors, split into grades)
4pm. Seiho (Peter Sensei)
4:30pm. End of training, photos, farewell.

Sunday Evening Meal
Pizza Express
73 High Street
BH23 1AS

7:00pm onwards

By | 2019-02-01T11:15:55+00:00 August 12th, 2018|News, Seminars|0 Comments

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